
How To Solve Complex Social/ Environmental Problems Facing Your Business

Social and environmental problems face every company, without exception. 

How your company responds to those problems, and solves them, demonstrates to the world the kind of company you are. 

It can considerably propel, or damage, your company’s value. 

That’s why I was delighted to partner with Avetta, a Software as a Service (SAAS) company that offers Supply Chain Management and Risk Mitigation Solutions, on an Infographic addressing this question:

How do we solve a complex social or environmental problem facing our business? 

Tackling these problems often falls outside the wheelhouse of a business’ core capabilities. 

And yet, there is a growing expectation to be accountable for doing so.

So how should you go about it?

Identify a critical problem facing your business. If one isn’t obvious (believe me, they exist), survey your staff, or look to your company’s Purpose or ESG priorities to surface a salient challenge.

Then, follow the steps by downloading the full Infographic below. 

If you’d like hands-on guidance to walk through each step, we’d love to help!

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