
3 Steps to Become a High-Impact, Purpose-Driven Business

There are 3 major steps involved in becoming a Purpose-Driven business. Make no mistake, it will neither be simple or easy. This list is merely meant to make the process digestible.

Additionally, the process is never really over. This is because your company Purpose should be ambitious and aspirational enough that you will forever be in pursuit of it.

However, to get on the Purpose path, this is essentially what you need to do:

1️⃣ Find and articulate your company’s Purpose: the ultimate impact you wish to have on the world (ideally aligned to the #SDGs)

2️⃣ Embed your Purpose into the core of your business, using a well-designed Purpose Strategy

3️⃣ Monitor and evaluate your progress, and continuously seek to improve

For Step 1, I’ve developed a free Guide to walk you through the process of identifying where your company is best-suited to make a positive impact on society (Link in comments).

This will become your company’s guiding light, your Purpose.

Free Guide - Find Your Purpose

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Why Should You Want to Become Purpose-Driven?

Investors, customers and employees – especially millennials and GenZ -are increasingly demanding that business’ make a significant, meaningful contribution to society.

BlackRock, the Business Roundtable, and the World Economic Forum have made it increasingly clear that this trend is not going anywhere but up.

When you identify your Purpose, you make it clear to your stakeholders that you are driving towards something much more profound than profits alone.

But ultimately, there are much more compelling reasons that need to be at the heart of your journey:

  • Because inequality and exclusion is pervasive in every part of the world

  • Because too many struggle to put food on the table, or achieve a basic standard of employment, housing, health and well-being. I know this all too well, since addressing the root causes of these challenges was the sole focus of my career in the non-profit sector

  • Because the latest IPCC Report has warned us that we need to make radical changes in the next 10 years, or we face a rapid escalation of environmental degradation and human suffering

  • Because changing course will take an unprecedented level of effort

  • Because we need every sector – public, private and civil society – to play a committed role

  • Because the Business sector holds a considerable amount of power and influence to drive change, and yet untapped potential when it comes to driving solutions

What is Your Role Going to Be? 

Whether you are a new or established business, this Guide is meant to help you find it. If you’d like my support to walk your company through the process, check out my ‘Unlock Your Purpose’ Workshop and reach out today.

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